

The idea that videos of the Library of Alexandria might exist never crossed my mind till late. I surfed the net for pictures thinking that as it is a historical library, I might be lucky just to find some pictures. This shows how ignorant I was of the resources available on the web and how I was NOT "thinking out of the box". With a gentle reminder from Linda (my teacher), I unearthed a whole program on The Library of Alexandria from YouTube that was broadcast on the History Channel. This gave a whole new perspective to my topic, because now my readers and I can actually see the details described in the contents. The videos show the great library, although much in ruin, has evidence of past glory.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Helmalie!

    Now spend some time reflecting on your blogging experience. Here are some ideas to contemplate:

    How has using a blog changed the way you conducted your research? Was it a helpful tool with which to gather and organise your content and resources?

    Did exploring the world of web 2.0 in a practical and participatory way give you new insights into the way libraries are using new means of engaging their clients?

    Will you use blogs again for other purposes?
    Will you now search for and visit blogs on the web?

    Share your thoughts with the class under the designated discussion board topic.

